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We've read it cover-to-cover many times through, and each time I read something wonderful that sticks with me. I'm sure you'll agree~
Here's sneak peak at our contributor list:
Faith Allington / Aholaah Arzah / Sara Backer / Wendy Barker / Judith Barrington / Francesca Bell / J. Camp Brown / John F. Buckley / Sara Clancy / Wyn Cooper / Kelly Cressio-Moeller / Kimberly Driggers / Helen Ellis / Renee Emerson / Dan Encarnacion / Stacia Fleagal / Rebecca Foust / Tom C. Hunley / Donald Illich / Judy Ireland / Kasey Jueds / Tina Kelley / Kathleen Kirk / Jessica Bryant Klagmann / Douglas Manuel / Carlos Martinez / Ryan McBride / Bill Neumire / Shawnte Orion / Lisa Ortiz / Martin Ott / Kristin Roedell / Corie Rosen / Diane Seuss / Idrissa Simmonds / Sandra Simonds / Suzanne Farrell Smith / Ralph Sneeden / Molly Spencer / Jonathan D. Stillerman / Ty Stumpf / Ann Teplick / Jeff Tigchelaar / Cindy Veach / Cody Walker / Gary Whitehead
Thank you all for making Crab Creek Review such an enduring literary journal. We exist because of you!